412-212-0030 | Mon & Thu 8am-8pm, Tue & Wed 8am-6pm, Fri-Sat 8am-12pm rapport@affordablevet.net

A lost pet is a devastating thing.

A Step Up wants to help find lost pets in the Bethel Park area. On this page, we will post information and flyers from local pet owners whose animals have gone missing. Please keep an eye out for them. If one is found, please contact the owner or the clinic immediately so we can help return them to their home.

Let Us Help

4 + 8 =

Missing Pet?

Stop by the clinic or use the form to the left and let us know. We will gladly put information about any missing animals in the area on our page so others know to watch for them.

If your animal has been found, please let us know so we can remove them from our website and share the great news.